Webinar recording: What to Watch for in Local Government in 2022

Insights from former Philadelphia Mayor Mike Nutter, former Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser, and public finance writer Liz Farmer.

In December, Funkhouser & Associates hosted an industry webinar on the main issues to watch in state and local government in 2022. Our conversation provided a handy digest of key provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and examined how its provisions intersect with today’s biggest challenges faced by states, cities and counties. Spotlighting the role of public-private partnerships, we outlined areas where industry partners can aid jurisdictions at this critical juncture to boost workforce capacity and support operational efficiency and innovation.

Click on the link below to watch the event recording and learn more about these key takeaways:

  • Key themes of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act are equity, technology and public private partnerships.
  • Transportation, utilities and broadband represent the biggest investment areas.
  • New programs and funding give priority to climate change and underserved populations. For example, many climate change programs are often tied to environmental injustice, such as the $1 billion Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program aimed at retrofitting highways that cut through cities.
  • Does your organization have the necessary insight into federal resources available through the IIJA and other aid and how to design programs or services that meet funding requirements? Contact us with any questions and to learn how you can maximize the value of these federal dollars.
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